The War for Talent: Challenges for Managing Partners

This course will provoke your thoughts and guide you on how to better manage your most precious assets – people.
Partners can build lawyer loyalty by putting people management at the center of best practice.
The topic is discussed in the context of “The War for Talent” – which describes the challenges of law firms managing partners and how the war continues to escalate. This becomes a burning issue that directly impacts a law firm’s bottom line.
This is why the event is designed to draw attention to simple and practical tools that could help managing partners deal with this issue as a priority in their day-to-day practice management tasks.
Our speaker will share with you experiences gained from his long-term practice regarding these topics:
- The importance of induction – how to help new joiners familiarize themselves with the new Corporate Culture upon entering the firm.
- How they are treated from Day 1 in terms of “positioning” new lawyers within the organization – regardless of the office size.
- How managing partners can and should help with a structured personal development planning process.
- An evaluation’s strategic relevance should be considered – how frequent and regular it is, whose responsibility it is, and how it should be done “top down and bottom up”.
1) Please note that by purchasing your ticket, part of it contributes to the non-profit project Linking Help, which links legal experts with people in need seeking legal assistance.
2) If you need an invoice for the tickets please contact us after the booking via e-mail:
Bookings are closed for this event.