Financial support made by our donors via our website are credited to the Special Account for “undesignated contributions”, Funds are allocated to specific projects or activities of the Agilawyer Society as decided by the NGO Agilawyer Society z.s. Agilawyer Society accepts financial support when the following conditions are met:
- The total annual amount contributed by any single financial support should not exceed 5000 euros. To make a donation greater than 5,000 euros, please contact us.
- Agilawyer Society reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to return the contribution to the donor for any reason.
- Financial support may use the fact that they have made a contribution to Agilawyer Society in any materials used for commercial, promotional, marketing, or advertising purposes. The use of the Agilawyer Society or UA.SUPPORT logo must be authorised by email.
For any questions related to donations, please contact Agilawyer Society z.s.